It seemed that the summer was not quite over after all; indeed, the weather was sunnier than it had been for most of July and August. High pressure was building out in the Atlantic, and the wind had veered round towards the north, bringing a fresh but beautifully bright day. So Algy hurried down to the sea to enjoy the sunshine, and soon found himself a perch on a comfortably warm rock which was well sheltered from the keen north wind. The sea was in an excellent mood, and Algy spent a very happy afternoon watching the tide dance in merrily over the rocks, and making plans for his second children’s book…

This is probably a poor question, but I’m from Florida, USA, and I have no idea how to pronounce Algy’s name. He’s such a cute bird, with adorable adventures, and I hope he continues to get more and more popular.

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you so much for your lovely message and your very kind comments about Algy and his adventures. Algy says there is no such thing as a poor question if it is meant kindly! And in fact many people don’t know how to pronounce Algy’s name, including his next-door-neighbour 🙂

Algy wants you to know that his name should be pronounced in two syllables, with a soft g – something like Al-jee.

He sends you lots of fluffy hugs across the ocean to Florida USA xoxoxo

Algy perched on a rock, and watched the evening sun go down. The summer – such as it was – had almost ended, and the nights were growing rapidly longer. At such a northerly latitude, the amount of daylight varied hugely over the year, with only a few hours of semi-darkness at midsummer, and very little light at all in midwinter. This meant that in spring and autumn Algy could watch the hours of daylight alter perceptibly from day to day, as the change was so rapid. Although he knew that spring would come again, it seemed a very long way off, and between now and then lay a long, dark winter, for which folk were very poorly prepared in the West Highlands this year, owing to the unusually dismal summer…

So Algy dedicates this post to all his friends in those northern countries for whom the approaching autumn will bring long, long hours of darkness, and a slow, arduous struggle through the winter until the sun returns again. Algy is thinking of you all, and sends you extra special fluffy hugs xoxo

The summer was drawing to a close, and there was a different sort of feeling in the air. Algy had heard that many people visited fun fairs at this time of year, for a final fling before the holidays ended and they had to return to work or school. It was almost impossible to find a fun fair in the West Highlands, but fortunately Nature stepped in where humans had failed to provide. So Algy had to fly no futher than the nearest birch tree to enjoy a ride as exciting as any in the fairground, although he was sorry that there were no toffee apples to eat afterwards…

Have a fun weekend, everyone, and if your holidays are coming to an end, enjoy those last few days! xoxo

Algy got a wonderful surprise when the postbird passed by today – a gorgeous postcard had flown all the way from Salzburg, just for him! It had come from his very kind friends bk-fundstuecke and hedminreg – and the little pink pony 🙂 Algy immediately fetched the little black teddy who knew those friends so well, and together they perched in the hydrangea bush and read all about Salzburg. Algy would love to visit that beautiful city himself one day!

Algy sends lots and lots of extra fluffy hugs to his very kind and thoughtful friends, and says “Thank you very much indeed! It was so sweet of you to think of me, you really made my day.” xoxoxo

Algy perched on a rock in the evening sun and thought about life, the universe, fame and the ocean. There were few things he enjoyed more than watching the sea splash up against the rock and wondering whether it would manage to sprinkle him with sticky, salty water. His wee moment of fame on Tumblr was just like the sparkling splash of the waves – a lovely, momentary burst of bright spray that might perhaps reach him, but was gone in an instant. But fortunately – unlike the attention of the human world – the sea never stopped, and Algy knew that he could return to the rock any time he wanted to, and watch it again. And sometimes the splashes would reach him 🙂

A little bird told Algy that today is the birthday of his very good friend Pete, aka tvoom and thevortexofourminds – who is also known, of course, for his wonderful work with photosworthseeing

Algy had heard that some people like to take balloon rides on their birthdays, so he reworked this GIF especially for his friend Pete – just in case – and says “hold very tight, please!”. Dear Pete, Algy hopes you have a truly wonderful day. He sends you lots of surprisingly fluffy special birthday hugs and wishes you alles Gute zum Geburtstag  xoxo

With his blog unexpectedly trending on Tumblr, it had been such an
exciting day that Algy felt in need of a calming influence. So when the
sun put in a reluctant appearance in the mid evening, Algy flew down to
the beach and perched beside the water. It was a calm night, and the
waves washed in and out in a leisurely way, entirely unconcerned with
the fame or fortunes of a fluffy bird.

As he observed the constant motion
of the sea, it seemed to Algy that the mighty ocean was always
“trending”, and his own wee moment of fame was entirely insignificant in
comparison – a speck in the ocean, you might say 🙂

Algy leaned back on the barnacled rock in the fading golden
light, and watched the sun sinking slowly down into the cloud bank as he listened
to the waves repeating their ancient song. He felt happy to think that
the waves would still be washing against his rock long, long after the
world had forgotten that a fluffy bird once perched there, sending his adventures out around the world through the mysterious Tumblr ether… 


adventuresofalgy has been featured as a Trending Blog on Tumblr!

Algy is flabbergasted, thrilled, delighted and amazed.

Algy sends a huge welcome and lots of surprisingly fluffy hugs from the wild west Highlands of Scotland to all his lovely new followers – and lots of fluffy hugs too for all his wonderful “old” friends here on Tumblr. Algy loves you all xoxoxo

Please expect some shameless reblogs of some of Algy’s favourite GIFs and photo posts over the next few days, as well as some exciting new adventures. Algy is having the time of his life 🙂

Long live Tumblr!